Although its therapeutic effect is low, from the studies we have, we can conclude that taking these products can generate a slight improvement.
The improvement is determined by the release of endorphins.
(Makerstad T. Use of surcrose as a treatmetn for infant colic. Arch Dis Child. 1977; 76: 356-8)
(Akcam M, Yilmaz. Oral hypertonic glucose solution in the treatment of infantile colic. Pediatrics international. 2006; 48: 125-7)
According to these studies, there is only 12% improvement to calm extreme crying with sucrose intake versus placebo.
Sucrose intake is more effective in the short term, post-intake improvement between 3-30 min on average.
In the studies we mentioned, 1-2 ml of 30% glucose solution, 3-4 times a day, have also been used with good results.